
Unamused face -__-

Decent post coming up soon!

When Life gives me Lemons ... I make Lemonade :)

So there I was watching Smallville Season 6 and iPhone suddenly buzzes with a new Facebook notification stating that a friend posted on my Wall.

So I check it out and realize that the comment posted (by one of my good amigos) contained a link. Naturally, I click this link. I get redirected to a new page. This page contained a blog post made by a girl who I've heard so much about, even feel like I know... yet have never met her. I begin to read the post, occasionally chuckling at some of the words this girl generated ("... he makes rainbows look emo" being a my favourtie) and when I reached the end.... It suddenly hit me like ... Like... Like a brickwall to the face!

It was about ME :)
This individual wrote such kind and generous about me that it left me in a mild state of shock and awe
Why? Because perhaps for the first time in a long time... I was reminded that the positive-ness I try to pass onto others was actually well received by this girl and her boyfriend.

I was always taught, from a young age to be happy, remain positive, be positive, be kind, be honest,
As my father always said to me "Do onto others, what you want others to do onto you" ... Or something along those lines :). With that quote drilled into me at a young age, I always applied it, to most every situation, all day, every day.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that by reading that post tonight, it rejuvenated my core, reminded me that it's important I remain happy :) and try and make others happy at the same time :). To know that perhaps one of my comments made this girl happy enough to want to stay that way... has now made me want to the same, so much more. My week has been average, so many things I wanted to do, wanted to say... At times, even I deviate from being happy. When I do, I hate it with a passion and do everything in my power to return to that state of being positive. Comments like the one I read tonight help, alot. With the family, friends and that one love interest<3 that I have in my life right now :), I'm bound to keep it together in the tough times that will no doubt encounter me in the future.

Thankyou TH and JC
"So if you want to be happy, just do it. Be happy. There are a million reasons why you should smile every day. "