Who said I was studying for a degree?? I'm here for the Lols ^.^

In this moment in time, I'm finding myself sorta smothered between Tristram Walker to my left and Jayd Chirkoot to my right. We have assignments coming out of the ying-yang and yet.... All we can do is Lol and have a good time. My girlfriend is texting me, Tristram is looking up YouTube links and playing them on loudspeaker and Jayd is Skyping with a certain lady friend of his ;).

And what about Dan you may be asking? Well .... I'm in a tight spot. I want to work but I can't. I'm trying to work, but the distractions are abundant. I wouldn't have it any other way though, as always ... We will get the workload sorted and we will look back in a few weeks and be like "Haha guys.... We are legends ... So ahhh Tav?"

Uniiiii times for the win baby! :)

Ne-Yo ... You have earned my respect and admiration

Ever since Saturday night, I have been constantly repeating one artist amongst my favourite GLEE playlist. That artist is Shaffer Chimere Smith ... or better known by the stylish stage name Ne-Yo. His songs are epically awesome. Before Winterbeatz I knew 4 songs of his, Miss Independant, Closer, Because of You and the timeless So Sick. With that said, I would listen to these tracks occasionally and nod my head in approval of how good they were...

But when me and my partner in crime Jayd saw him Live, I instantly admired the guy, wanted to adopt his style, his swag, his look, his voice. He's one smooth criminal. His performance was flawless, all songs performed to perfection. I officially lost my voice on his last song so two thumbs up there. 2 days on ... I've been listening closely to more of his songs and so far my faves are the following:

- Beautiful Monster
- Champagne Life
- Mad

With his new album out soon, Libra Scale ... I can't help but not get excited for it. The power of music is a wonderful thing ... Now, today ... It's Ne-Yo's smooth tracks that are making me sing, dance and smile. Word

Let's Get This Shit Poppin'

Finally decided to create my own blog. Big shout out to my bro Jayd, for guiding me and eggin' me on to do this. Coming off the back of an epic w/end ... I feel it's time for Dan to start sharing. After all, sharing is caring ;)